tirsdag den 30. december 2014

New Years look' 2014

Happy New Year!!
Jeg kiggede min samling af lakker igennem og denne lak faldt lige i øjnene på mig.
Ciaté's "Helter-Skelter" - Den har en fantastisk flot lilla-glitter farve, som bare skriger
"Happy New Year" - Så derfor valgte jeg at bruge lige nettop denne lak, til mit nytårs look.
Jeg håber i alle havde en rigtig god jul, tusind tak for de søde kommentarer og støtte omkring bloggen! I ønskes hermed et fantastisk nytår! :-)

For international readers:
Happy New Year!!
I was looking through my polish-collection and came across this gorgeous nail polish from
Ciaté: "Helter-Skelter" - It's such an amazing purple-glitter color.
So beautiful in my opinion and it litarally screams "Happy New Year" So i decited to put it on today (the day before New Years eve) And now im ready to party!!
I hope y'all had a wonderful christmas! Thank you so, so much your support and nice comments in 2014 - Im so excited for the new year to come!
Happy New Year, to everyone! :-)

Used Nail Polishes:
Ciaté "Helter-Skelter"
Essie "Good to go" - Top Coat

lørdag den 27. december 2014

Ciaté Caviar Manicure - Reveiw

Long time no seen!
Her er jeg igen, efter denne meget travle julemåned, med et spændende review på:
Ciaté's Caviar Manicure kit, som jeg er lidt skeptisk omkring, men og spændt på at prøve!
Jeg vil nu guide jer igennem forløbet, og forhåbentlig, vil resultatet blive flot.

For international readers:
Here I am again, after this busy and cold winther month. I have an exciting review for you guys!
Ciaté's Caviar Manicure kit. I really hope it'll turn out great.
Now, lets begin. Im gonna guide you through the steps, one by one, and hopefully it'll work!

You're gonna need:
1. Ciaté's Caviar Manicure kit
2. Top & Base coat
3. Any color of Nail Polish (im using Ciaté "Ferros Wheel")

Let's begin!
Look at the back of your Caviar kit, and follow the instructions.
First apply a base coat and then 1 coat of the nail polish of your choosing.
Then wait for it to dry and apply a second coat of nail polish.
While the polish is still wet, sprinkle the caviar on to the nail. Make sure to cover the whole nail.