mandag den 30. juni 2014

The Body Shop | Skin Care

Når man tager sine "professionelle" blog-indlæg billeder af sine negle, er det også vigtigt at
omgivelserne er på sin plads! Det er vigtig at passe på sin hud, så den ikke er tør og skalder.
Jeg anbefaler at bruge at form for hånd creme / lotion.
For når du tager dine billeder, er det jo lækkert at dine hænder ser fabulous ud! :)
Et godt sted at handle cremer og andet hud pleje er The Body Shop.
Oh god, elsker den butik! Så, jeg købte tre "body lotions" som også har de bedste dufte!

For international readers:
When you take pics of your nails, its important to have fabulous skin!
Because if your skin is dry and not pretty, you're not gonna get a good pic. So, i would recoment using some kind of hand creme or lotion.
A great place to get some sweet skin care products, has to be The Body Shop.
Oh god, its the best place on earth. They have the best lotions, body butter and skin care products EVER! I resently bought these three lotions for my hands and other body parts.

Moringa "Body Milk"
Mango "Body Whip"
Strawberry "Body Puree"

søndag den 29. juni 2014

Smells like teen spirit | MoYou

Endelig kom dagen hvor jeg lavede dette design.
Jeg har længe ventet på at kunne bruge min RockStar MoYou plade igen, og denne gang med
Kurt Cobain. Som i nok ved, er jeg en stor fan af Nirvana (og andre grunge type bands)
Så dette design er noget jeg er super glad for. Jeg har brugt forskellige teknikker. Som fx;
"Dry brush" og "MoYou" 
- Efter min mening giver "dry brush" teknikken en lidt grungy effekt.

For international readers:

Im so excited about this mani! Oh god.. 
As you might know, i'm a big fan of Nirvana (and grunge type bands) So this design
is one of my favorites so far!
I've used two different techniques "Dry brush" & "MoYou"
The dry brush technique gives the mani a grungy look, and i really like that! ;)

Used polishes:

 YVES ROCHER - Base coat
OPI "Alpine Snow"
GOSH "Nero"
OPI "RapiDry"

lørdag den 21. juni 2014

Birds of the garden | MoYou

Var så spændt på at prøve endnu en af mine "stamping plates" så denne gang blev det 
"Mother Nature" pladen. Den er fuld af blomster, blade, fugle og træer. I lang tid har jeg ville prøve den altid skønne Essie lak "Bikini So Teeny" Den er simpelthen en af mine sommer favoritter! :)

For international readers:
I was sooo excited about these "stamping plates" that i got from - So today I decided
to use the "Mother Nature" stamping plate. Its so gorgeous and it has alot of flowers, birds and trees. Perfect for the summer time! And I was also very excited about my new Essie polish
"Bikini So Teeny" Its the most amazing color and I just love it to death! :) 

Used Polishes:

YVES ROCHER - Base coat
Essie "Bikiny So Teeny"
GOSH "Nero"
O.P.I - topcoat "RapiDry

mandag den 9. juni 2014

Bob Marley | MoYou

One love, one heart. Lets get together and feel alright!
Dagens mani er inspireret af Bob Marley kongen af reggae. Jeg fandt et website der hed MoYou som solgte disse "Stamping Plates" Oh, god! De er så awesome og unikke. Jeg synes personlig at det er en
genial opfindelse. Så jeg bestilte 3 plader, fra 3 forskellige kategorier: RockStar, Mother Nature & SUKI.
Rockstar = Ansigter som Kurt Cobain, Bob Marley, Slash, Jimmy Hendrix...
Mother Nature = Fulge, blade, blomster...
SUKI = Kawaii, cute, teddy bear, hearts, sushi.

For International readers:
One love, one heart. Lets get together and feel alright!
Todays mani was inspiret by the king of reggae Bob Marley. I found this website MoYou
and its amazing. You can by these "Stamping Plates" and Nail Polish Stampers. OMG! It was so awesome, that i bought 3 different plates; RockStar, Mother Nature & SUKI.
RockStar = Kurt Cobain, Bob Marley, Slash, Jimmy Hendrix...
Mother Nature = Birds, flowers, nature-stuff
SUKI = Kawaii, cute-stuff, sushi, teddy bear and hearts.

Used Nail Polishes:
YVES ROCHER - Base coat
Formula X "Power Source"
Formula X "Over The Top"
Rimmel London "Round and round in circles"
GOSH "Nero"
O.P.I - top coat "RapiDry"